Smut-free Internet… Why? How?

You read this story about outgoing FCC chairman (and GOP partisan hack supreme) Kevin Martin’s ludicrous plan to push a wireless internet option that would be free of porn, and the first thought that leaps to mind is of course: has that poor man *ever* been laid? Then you wonder what kind of thought-police would be employed to determine what is porn and what is not.

We’ve already seen how the zealous internet filters forced on schools and gullible parents don’t work: they filter out information on breast cancer (ew, it mentions boobs — away with it!) and information for teenagers on safe sex (ew, teenagers having sex — away with it!) and anything else the finger wagging wankers from the Holier-than-thou Church of self-righteousness deems repulsive. Mission creep sets in: suddenly it’s that other site critical of censorship, or the blog of the guy who said something nasty about the Preznit on TV. Not to mention that the whole filtering process slows things down tremendously. It can’t be done. Besides, we don’t need another internet — we’ve already got one, and last time I checked it was free.This article provides great analysis of the whole notion of Internet censorship and points out why that isn’t the solution to the underlying problem.

Now, if the FCC would just focus on keeping it that way and stop the big telecom players from forcing us to pay them for their lousy content, we’d be all set.