Vote, you dumb fucking hippies, vote goddammit, don't make me bring out the Palin…

beatingsListen, Mr. President, the reason we’re not fired up is not because we’re stoned, like your press secretary so helpfully suggested a few weeks ago. And it’s not because we don’t appreciate the risk of letting the Republicans regain control of Congress. It’s because it didn’t seem to matter much when we turned out in droves, took a risk on the bold, brave, new kid on the block with the whole vision thing,  and gave you an unprecedented mandate to change things, including control of the House and Senate. We gave you and your party all the tools you needed to deliver — and then, you didn’t. No, it was largely the same ol’ shit, ‘cept a different crowd of crooks (well, actually, a lot of them were the same: Geithner, Emanuel, Summers, and the rest of your handpicked crew of advisors and spin doctors — they were all members of and firm believers in the same corrupt system that you & they have worked so hard for the past two years to further empower and indemnify).

Oh, sure, the Orange Oompa Loompa of Evil, John Boehner, and his gang of hypocrites and born-again basket cases fight a tough fight — we knew that. That’s why we voted them out of power for a bit. But what we didn’t know was that you’d take over and then promptly roll over and cave before the fight even started. Instead of leading you let yourself be misled. By the Republicans that you insisted on “having at the table” and by the grade A wankers in your own party who should be kicked out, rather than appeased. At every single opportunity to stand up for the true values of the Democratic party, you chose to cave like a house of cards, every time there was a principle worth fighting for, you threw in the towel and compromised. When you could have gained the upper hand and won some goodwill by simply reversing past wrongs, you instead chose to make matters worse by digging deeper. More exectuive powers, less accountability, fewer checks and balances, more fear & surveillance.

Oh, and this made me LOL:

The president said he keeps a checklist of his campaign promises and that he has met, by his account, about 70 percent of them.

Really, now? 70 percent? I’d love to see his list. If it includes “smiling,” “breathing,” “getting up in the morning,” and “believing in myself” then I’m sure he’s hitting home run after home run. But as far as those more tangible promises that we had hoped for when we got him elected? Well, not so much. Things like an end to pointless wars and a return to sane public policy in general haven’t seen much play so far. Later? Well, you know, maybe you should have saved things like “cover my friends on Wall Street from head to toe in tax payer dollars” for later, and done something for the rest of us first. But, silly me, I’m just one of those stupid hippies.

Real Change starts at the top, Sir, not at the bottom. Don’t tell the grassroots that it’s our fault that your administration has been a failure, or that we’re setting our standards too high. Rule of law? Surely that’s not too much to ask.

Good luck “motivating” your base by calling them irresponsible and blaming them for all your failures.